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Finance Committee Minutes 2/16/16
Finance Committee Meeting Minutes

Present:  Stanley Ross, Donald Clawson and William Johnson (BJ)
Also present for parts of the meeting: Kenn Basler

The Finance Committee met to discuss the following:
  • Proposition 2 ½: Stan stated that each year we are creeping closer and closer to our limit and currently will need an override with the budget as proposed.  Two years in a row in the past our budgets have been within $7,000 of our limit.  Delaying capital expenses requested this year was discussed.
  • Transfer station upgrade: The Committee discussed whether or not this project will be going forward this year as the Accountant has mentioned that we may not have the money and would like to wait until a cash audit has been completed.  A debt exclusion was passed for this payment.  Stan noted that Selectman Jenssen could not confirm that it was being considered to hold off on the upgrade.
  • The Finance Committee feels it doesn’t make sense to discuss any salary increases until after all the budget requests have been received.  It was also noted that we do not offer merit increases currently as we do not have a performance review system in place.
  • The Committee discussed the request to replace Engine 1 this year and suggested that it be financed.
  • The Committee was not in favor of finishing the basement of this building and suggested it be removed from this year’s budget.  Kenn came in and confirmed that this could be taken off of this year’s requests.
  • It was agreed that we do need to replace the copier this year as this one has several issues.  Kenn stated he feels we should lease going forward.
  • The Committee was unsure whether or not a yearly audit was going to be necessary.  The Committee feels strongly that we should.
  • The Committee still needs to have a meeting with Shawn to discuss the highway and fire department budget requests/needs.  Kenn feels that we can wait on the requested truck for the highway department.
  • Stabilization:  The Finance Committee does not agree with the $50,000 proposed and feels it should be increased to a minimum of $100,000.  Kenn agreed.
  • Kenn stated that as a selectman he is not going to approve the current Highway Capital request as it stands right now.
  • Kenn also noted that the Curtis Rd bridge needs to be replaced and the funds necessary for this project may need to be requested this year.  The Finance Committee believes that we have an existing bridge fund account that we can raise and appropriate to.  A new line item will be created and $35,000 put on for a request.
  • Kenn informed the Finance Committee that the Select Board will be requesting a level funded budget of the school district.
Meeting adjourned at 11am
Submitted by,
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant